Wind Farm Development

Wind Farm Development

HRAFNKEL is developing several of its own wind power projects in France and other European countries. The development of wind power projects is long and complex. In a first pre-selection phase, HRAFNKEL examines potentially interesting sites for wind power plants. In this phase, the orientation of the site in relation to the prevailing winds, the topography, protected areas and basic obstacles are checked. After an initial assessment of the project's chances of success, HRAFNKEL contacts the municipalities to propose to carry out studies on their municipal territory. A municipality interested in a wind power project on its territory can provide communal land for this purpose or participate directly in the project.

If a municipality agrees to the development of a wind power project, HRAFNKEL first asks the specialised departments of the public administration for preliminary notice, and addresses the local stakeholders who may be concerned. In parallel, HRAFNKEL concludes leases agreements for the wind measurement station and for land plots situated in the potential wind zone. Finally, HRAFNKEL starts wind measurements. If the wind studies show an interesting wind potential, the further studies are started: Animal and bird studies, flora, landscape, acoustics, ...

Throughout the development period, HRAFNKEL closely coordinates with community representatives and local stakeholders. In this way, the concerns of the community are taken into account. As soon as a wind power project becomes concrete on the basis of the study results, HRAFNKEL organises public meetings with local councillors and residents to present the project variants and to involve public opinion. The project is also presented to the responsible departments in the administration.

Subsequently, a building permit application is submitted. The population is informed by means of information brochures and a public hearing, being part of the building permit procedure. Here, the opportunity is given to comment on the project.


HRAFNKEL carries out the planning of wind farms for clients as well as for its own projects. In the preliminary studies phase, a first possible layout of the wind farms is sketched. This first variant takes into account urban planning criteria, environmental concerns, cultural heritage, suitable terrain and an initial wind rose. At this stage, the number and size of the turbines are only approximate and will be refined later based on detailed study results.

In order to optimise the layout and return of the future wind farm, HRAFNKEL carries out profit calculations for different types of wind turbines and layout variants at an early stage of the project. These calculations are based on losses due to wake, or curtailments in the event of noise exceedance or the presence of bats. In parallel to the profit calculations, visualisations help to compare the impacts on the landscape resulting from the layout variants and the different turbine models of wind turbines.